Hi Friend,
Welcome to our final Brainwaves for 2022.
There is much we have to celebrate, as it’s been an eventful year for Epilepsy Tasmania.
Highlights of 2022 include:
- A significant increase in people contacting us for a wide range of issues, including individual and family support, training, education and epilepsy information.
- Growth in peer support. Amy is really making great strides here and people are increasing in their engagement. The Launceston group are going bowling as their Christmas joy.
- It is positive to see the significant number of workplaces downloading first aid posters and approaching us for training.
- The trainers have made some significant steps in assisting people within 24hrs with their concerns and this has reduced the number of people sitting in Hospital Emergency departments or trying to access General Practice.
- We have been able to initiate something you will see in the North and the South thanks to a bequest and great partnership. Look out for it. Take a pic and post on your socials.
- Epilespy Smart Australia has continued their pilot campaign and in Tasmania we have experienced internal growth to improve our business and service delivery.
As Tasmania’s voice for epilepsy, we will continue to listen to you and advocate on behalf of Tasmanians affected by epilepsy. I extend a sincere THANK YOU to everyone who has taken interest in the Tasmanian epilepsy community this year.
As we enter the Christmas holiday season, many places close and the way we connect and belong can take on different meanings and activities. For some, Christmas becomes a busy time with family and friends. For others, it becomes a time when we find ourselves with less activity and while this quiet time can be welcome, it can equally be unwelcome, leaving some people feeling unconnected to the people and activities we need and want. Staying in touch with the people around us, or perhaps joining in with activities in our community are some ways we can lessen any sense of isolation.
Our staff, team and Board have asked me to send my thanks and warm wishes to all of you and we look forward to returning from our Christmas and summer break fresh for 2023.
Happy Christmas

Wendy Groot, CEO Epilepsy Tasmania.
Read Brainwaves Edition 53 here.
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