1 in 200 students has epilepsy - it can affect their school performance
Epilepsy is one of the most misunderstood conditions in our community. The impact of epilepsy on a school student and their family is often far greater than the seizure itself.
Epilepsy can have a big impact on a child’s experience at school:
- Seizures and medication can make it hard for a child to concentrate or remember information from class, adversely affecting their school performance.
- Stigma and discrimination are still felt by many living with epilepsy today.
Every child’s experience of epilepsy is different, so supporting them at school requires an individualised whole school approach that involves the student with epilepsy, other students, teachers, staff, parents/guardians and the school community.
Benefits of being an Epilepsy Smart School
- Schools are able to provide a safe and inclusive environment for students living with epilepsy.
- Students are able to reach their academic potential.
- School staff better understand their state government policy requirements and expected teacher support of students living with epilepsy.
- Teaching standards are adhered to in relation to supporting all students in a safe and inclusive manner.
- Teachers have the opportunity to participate in continuing professional development.
- Schools play an important role in raising awareness of epilepsy within Tasmanian communities.
- Training provided will direct teaching practice to ensure the expectations of schools under the Disability Standards for Education 2005 are met.
Get the
Smart Schools Practical Guide
Everything you’ll need to know about the journey to becoming an Epilepsy Smart School in Tasmania.
See how an Epilepsy Smart School improved Ava’s daily school life and benefited her teacher and classmates »

Step 1
Epilepsy Management Plans
Maintain Epilepsy Management Plans (EMP) for each student living with epilepsy, and where necessary, put in place an Emergency Medication Management Plan (EMMP).
Step 2
Epilepsy-Specific Training
Participate in epilepsy-specific training to make school staff aware of the impact of epilepsy on the student and give teachers an understanding of the psychological, social and cognitive impact of living with epilepsy. Costs may apply for this step.
Step 3
Raise Awareness of Epilepsy
Hold an event that promotes better awareness and understanding of epilepsy. Educate the student body about epilepsy e.g. complete the Epilepsy Smart Quiz (in Health Studies) or host an awareness-raising campaign, such as a Purple Day event.
An Epilepsy Action Plan for Schools
Epilepsy Smart Schools helps schools better help students with epilepsy to reach their academic potential
An Epilepsy Smart School is one that embeds inclusive, safe and educationally sound practices for all primary, secondary and special school students living with epilepsy.
The programme develops an epilepsy action plan for schools and helps them better help students who have epilepsy to achieve their academic potential and develop positive social relationships.
Registration is easily commenced online. Once registered you can begin self-managing your school’s progress on the three-step programme. Some costs apply for Step 2.