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Epilepsy Research

Epilepsy in Tasmania

Commissioned by Epilepsy Tasmania in 2016, this research report is the first of its kind to shine a spotlight on the disorder of epilepsy within the Tasmanian population. Epilepsy Tasmania: A Briefing Paper, 2016.

The Australian Epilepsy Research Register [AERR}

The Australian Epilepsy Research Register (AERR) was created in 2006 as a database of people with epilepsy and/or their carers who have given permission for social and psychological research that will help improve the lives of people affected by this condition.

Register online here or for further information contact the Epilepsy Foundation on 03 8809 0600.

The Australian Pregnancy Register for Women on Antiepileptic Medication

For women with epilepsy, the absolute risk of birth abnormalities is 4-6% double the risk of 2-3% that exists in the general population. But is this increased risk caused by the effects of their seizures; the drugs or combinations of drugs they have to take; their genetic background or environmental factors? This voluntary Australia-wide registry of women who become pregnant while taking an antiepileptic drug is helping to determine the factors behind increased risks in birth abnormalities.

To register, call the Australian Pregnancy Register 1800 069 722 or visit Australian Pregnancy Register.