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Brainwaves e-News, Ed 25, 2020

Hello and welcome to the first Brainwaves for 2020!

Our staff all came back refreshed after their break and had a busy start to the year with an increased number of phone calls, emails and walk-ins for support and education.

Since the beginning of term one we have had six new schools start the process of becoming an Epilepsy Smart School. We are also seeing a steady number of organisations, workplaces and individuals looking to be part of Purple month. If you’re keen to be involved there is a link further on to register or give Bec a call.

This week, Epilepsy Australia released a new research report prepared by Deloitte’s Economic Access that identifies accurate, updated information to give a clear picture of epilepsy, its costs and priorities for further work across Australia. In my capacity as the Chair of Epilepsy Australia, there has been significant media interest in this research both at Tasmanian and National levels. Read the national research here and our Tasmanian Research released at the end of last year is here.

This week has been busy preparing for the release of our new TV and cinema advert – there is a sneak peek below.

We are also currently recording our first ever series of podcasts that we are proud to release during Purple Month.

We are excited to bring our My Journey exhibition to Launceston with new photos and stories. Information about the exhibition is below.

I hope you enjoy participating in Purple Month and look forward to sharing more.

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