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Brainwaves e-News, Ed 28, 2020

We’re thinking of you Friend

For some time now, to meet Federal and State Government recommendations, Epilepsy Tasmania staff have been working from home in order to reduce the spread of COVID-19 within Tasmania. However, please be reassured that we are still here — on the phone, on Facebook, on our website, on video chat and on Epilepsy Connect.

We have again updated our COVID-19 and Epilepsy website page: https://epilepsytasmania.org.au/covid-19-corona-virus-and-epilepsy/

And we strongly encourage all our Friends to regularly monitor and follow advice from the Tasmanian Government: https://www.coronavirus.tas.gov.au/

If you’re on Epilepsy Tasmania’s database then you may soon get a call from one of our staff to see if you need anything from us during this period of isolation. We are increasing our provision of virtual support, including online group chats, individual phone support, peer support by phone and our Facebook groups for Families and for Young Tasmanians. If you have any suggestions on how we can better meet your needs – please tell us.

Purple Month is over, and we want to thank everyone who participated, volunteered or supported us. Despite COVID-19, the month was our most successful at increasing awareness of epilepsy in Tasmania, including more support from businesses who lit up purple and more people buying purple merchandise.

We thank our entire community for their understanding, patience and kindness during these challenging times.

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Brainwaves Ed 28, 2020